
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Home Improvement(s).

And a week later the blog is still going "strong" ?!? Alright, so maybe strong is a stretch, BUT don't give up on me yet! I managed to post 130+ days of nonsense pictures...I can DEFINITELY manage to write about 130+ nonsense topics, haha. Lets only hope....

So, now for your first useless topic you will read if you so decide to follow this lovely blog. I am going to give you a sneak peak into Morgan and I's newly renovated home. It's like HGTV quality stuff right here. Ok, so probably not that cool at all, but nonetheless, we have done a lot of new projects that we are super proud here it goes :)

We have a kitchen. I "try" and be domestic and cook. If you ever want to come over for a meal, I am really good at Top Raman, funfetti cookies, and turkey sandwiches. Got your food groups covered right there.

I LOVE these towels from Anthropologie. They seriously make me smile every time I go into the kitchen :) Too bad they don't motivate me to cook more....

And now we are in the living room/den/dining room/downstairs random space. This is one of our many "Micheletti"/"M" things around our new home. I'm slightly obsessed with personalizing things. All jokes aside though, sometimes I forget how to spell this monster of a name, so this sign helps ;)

This is without a doubt the coolest thing we have done to the house--and by we I mean Morgan. He built a dog cage for Sammie girl that goes into the wall! The other side is the garage, and the part that is her cage is used as a workbench. How cool is that!?!?! I totally doubted him on this one, but he SO pulled it off!

These two shelves were definitely my favorite things to decorate. I love the mixture of all the random stuff.

Our new sofa and loveseat!!! Tada!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE. (yes I know we probably need a different coffee table...)

Hook 'em, yo. Ya, those are real horns baby. My siblings got them for Morgan and I for our wedding--sweetest gift ever. More importantly, it is worth noting that my degree hanging is a Masters...yes Morgan, I will have a higher degree than you for another 2.5 years, muhaha.

The almost complete bed. It looks tiny here but it is actually a King (SOOOO nice when Morgan snooress) Still need to make the headboard...I will post an update when it's done cause its gonna be legitttt.

Pretty flowers I arranged. I could do this crap all day.

The AMAZING bench/wall/flower bed Morgan built. He is quite the handyman--and believe me, I hate admitting he is good at things (well everything). As you can see it is wet at the bottom from the rain (FINALLY) we got this weekend--don't worry we aren't going for the camo look. Next up, FLOWERS!

That's all for now folks. Stay tuned for more exciting Morg-stine creations!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Today was a longgggg day at work. Got lots done, learned a bunch, but a long day none the less. So, after work I decided to hit up the ConocoPhillips gym to burn off some steam before heading out. Our gym is right by our parking garage, and as you walk towards it there are lots of floor to ceiling windows. Most of these windows face the I-10 Eldridge exit, which on a normal day is quite an unimpressive view. Today though I was caught off-guard, for when I looked out the windows, I saw SMOKE. I thought, no way....I'm seeing things. I must be. Plus, I REALLY want to work out. So, I might as well go work out, and when I get back whatever nonsense I saw will be gone. Right? Right. Well it didn't take me long to get on a machine, turn on the news (or any channel for that matter), and notice the smoke was in fact for real. Wildfires in George Bush Park. Wow. So incredible close to work, to neighborhoods, to my friends HOMES. Needless to say, I didn't really finish my workout. 

We have all heard about all the wildfires out in in Austin and the surrounding areas. Even knowing soooo many people in never really hit me how scary these things are. When I pulled out of the ConocoPhillips garage today, this is the image I saw.

Definitely not a sight I hope to see everyday. Absolutely insane. When you all go to bed tonight, say a lil prayer for the homes and businesses in the Katy area, and for all the people that have suffered already out near Austin. Can you even imagine? I can't.

Monday, September 12, 2011


 Definitely a topic that has been on my mind a lot this past month, and especially so now, after the anniversary of 9-11. It is truly amazing how a sudden turn of events brings people closer together. The attacks ten years ago undoubtedly united the people of our country on a different level than ever before. We all now have something to relate to, even if it is a common fear for safety. None the less, I would say more people than ever before are truly "proud to be an American", I know I for one am (yes, I know this is cliche). I'm the person that gets choked up singing that uber patriotic Toby Keith song, and have totally been caught watching 9-11 remembrance commercials  over and over again. Point is, when times suck, people unite, bond, and form a family. In remembering 9-11, now, and for the many years to come....remember we are one nation, one family.

On a similar, but very different note....
It would be extremely easy to say this past summer has been less than ideal. Yet, in looking past all the sadness, I really do realize how much I have to be thankful for. As many of you may know, my dad had four children: Al, Susie, Mike, and me. While Al, Susie, and Mike have always been a special part of my life, I never got to live with any of them, and never got the true "brother and sister" experience. Dad--I know you were bad with computers, but I am positive you are finding a way to read this blog up in heaven. I want you to know...I feel like Al, Susie, Mike and I are closer than ever before. This past month we have grieved, laughed, and cried together...sometimes all at once! There has been plenty of wine, scotch, and of course cigars. I even "attempted" to smoke one for ya. Didn't quite work though, haha. We all love you and miss you everyday.

So today I am thankful for family. Today, tomorrow, and everyday. It's time to stop sweating the small stuff. Check out the big picture. Live a little, and be thankful always. My dad had a favorite quote. It went like this: "The main thing in life is to do well something that is worth doing. Care not for show; life is too short and too sacred for make believe." Dad did A LOT of things well...but most importantly, he was a great friend to everyone. From his wife and kids to the doughnut guy and the random waitress at Bill's cafe. He knew everyone, and loved everyone--just like they loved him. I've learned so much from you, Dad...and I will keep on learning <3

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blog attempt #2?

As many of you may remember, I previously had a wedding countdown blog: {365} till the knot is tied. Back in July of 2010 I decided to start this blog, and vowed to take and post a picture everyday until the big day--7/8/11. Well as many of you may also know, that blog made it about 139 days in. Still somewhat impressive, but no where near 365 days, wah wahhhh. More or less, Google Blogger decided I had gotten boring and started refusing to upload my least that's the story I'm sticking to! But really, I did start experiencing a lot of problems uploading my photos (some claim this was a "user error", I would disagree) and got discouraged quite quickly. 

Now, at the ripe age of 23, I decided I have much more patience and am giving this blog thing another try. No, I will not be taking and posting pictures everyday. Instead, I will be blogging about non-sense. Exciting right? Oh yes, very much so. Some serious, some funny, some random...ok lets be honest, mostly random. Anyhow, here goes nothing! To conclude this post I will leave you all with one image. One of my favorites from {365} till the knot is tied...or would that be {139}....